Exams are updated regularly. Check below to see the date of the last sitting that's been added to our site. If something looks wrong, please let us know.

SOA Exams

PMar-2024183959pSOA - Exam - Preliminary
FMApr-2024184341fmSOA - Exam - Preliminary
ASTAM Apr-20241847104astamSOA - Exam - Preliminary
ALTAMApr-20241846105altamSOA - Exam - Preliminary
SRMJan-2024182579srmSOA - Exam - Preliminary
PAApr-2024184083paSOA - Exam - Preliminary
FAMMar-2024183698famSOA - Exam - Preliminary
FAM-LMar-2024183799fam-lSOA - Exam - Preliminary
FAM-SMar-20241838100fam-sSOA - Exam - Preliminary

EA1May-2023173633ea1SOA - Exam - Enrolled Actuary
EA2FNov-2023179636ea2fSOA - Exam - Enrolled Actuary
EA2LMay-2023173737ea2lSOA - Exam - Enrolled Actuary

ASAJun-2024184470asaSOA - Designation
CERAJun-2024184572ceraSOA - Designation
FSAMar-2024182671fsaSOA - Designation

CFE FDApr-2024184818cfe-fdSOA - Exam - Fellowship
CFE SDMApr-2024184919cfe-sdmSOA - Exam - Fellowship
ERMMay-2024185738ermSOA - Exam - Fellowship
GI ADVMay-2024186146gi-advSOA - Exam - Fellowship
GI FREUApr-2024185147gi-freuSOA - Exam - Fellowship
GI INTFeb-2024182848gi-intSOA - Exam - Fellowship
GI IRRMay-2024186249gi-irrSOA - Exam - Fellowship
ILA LFMCMay-2024186495ila-lfmcSOA - Exam - Fellowship
ILA LFMUMay-2024186594ila-lfmuSOA - Exam - Fellowship
ILA LPMMay-2024186691ila-lpmSOA - Exam - Fellowship
ILA LAMMay-2024186392ila-lamSOA - Exam - Fellowship

QFI QFApr-2024185384qfi-qfSOA - Exam - Fellowship
QFI IRMMay-2024186762qfi-irmSOA - Exam - Fellowship
QFI PMApr-2024185293qfi-pmSOA - Exam - Fellowship
RET DACApr-2024185463ret-dacSOA - Exam - Fellowship
RET DAUApr-2024185564ret-dauSOA - Exam - Fellowship
RET FRCApr-2024185665ret-frcSOA - Exam - Fellowship
RET RPIRMMay-2024186866ret-rpirmSOA - Exam - Fellowship
GH DPApr-20241850101gh-dpSOA - Exam - Fellowship
GH FVCNov-20221680103gh-fvcSOA - Exam - Fellowship
GH VRUMay-20241859106gh-vruSOA - Exam - Fellowship
GH VRCMay-20241858107gh-vrcSOA - Exam - Fellowship

CAS Exams

MAS-IOct-2023178377mas-iCAS - Exam - Preliminary
MAS-IIOct-2023178481mas-iiCAS - Exam - Preliminary
5Oct-2023177835CAS - Exam - Preliminary
6-CanadaOct-2023177976-canadaCAS - Exam - Preliminary
6-U.S.Oct-2023178186-usCAS - Exam - Preliminary
6-InternationalOct-20231780966-iCAS - Exam - Preliminary

ACASMay-2024183273acasCAS - Designation
FCASMay-2024183374fcasCAS - Designation

7May-2023172497CAS - Exam - Fellowship
8Oct-20231782128CAS - Exam - Fellowship
9May-20231725139CAS - Exam - Fellowship